Monday, August 16, 2010

la confiture de mirabelle

During the year I make a lot of different jams and jellies, but in late August I think I come to  the prettiest of them all - la confiture de mirabelle.  

This little round plum that fruits so generously looks like small jewels on the tree.

and when its stewed down for jam produces the most wonderfully cheerful orange-yellow.

 So if you want to have a go at mirabelle jam or any other plum, you could give this recipe a go.  It's really easy and basically foolproof.  Which is what I need.

Wash and stone the plums.   Layer them in a heavy stoneware bowl with their own weight of sugar.   Leave for at least 5 hours, or a night if you prefer, not in the fridge - just sitting in the kitchen covered with a clean teacloth.

Cook slowly in a big jam pan.  Bring to the boil then simmer for about 30 minutes, keep stirring,  and start testing for setting.  If a few drops on a cold plate start to set then the jam is ready!  Easy!

Let it cool for  a while, then ladle into squeaky clean, dry jam jars.  A pretty label, a ribbon and you have delicious jam to eat at home, or give away when a small gift is required.

Bon appetit!

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