Sunday, May 2, 2010

try again - the generation game

 I know it's sort of cheating to re-edit a post, but I liked my whole generation/teaching thing, and I'm sure that someone would be able to dig out a photo and share an idea on this.  So I am giving it one more go, just for 24 hours - but don't worry  - if nobody joins in I'll change my tune - I promise!!

When I tagged Greet a few days ago for her tenth photo,  I didn't know she was going to surprise us with a picture that would generate so much emotion.  She left us this great picture below of her father making a bird box with her son, who was then only 3 years old.  We all loved the picture, partly because it seemed to fit so well into Greet's beautiful blog, but also because teaching and sharing is so precious.

My dad also loved tools, and adored spending time with his grand children.  Here is a shot of him quite a few years back teaching my eldest, who was then 5, to polish his shoes!!  Can you see the concentration?  and the apron?  Do you notice how in both pictures the grand fathers let the grand sons try for themselves?

Any way this got me thinking about how different families will pass down their own particular knowledge.  Did you learn to embroider with your grandmother,  did your teenage cousin teach you how to paint your toenails,  were you taught to put up wallpaper by an uncle?  Who taught you to drive,  to bake a cake or make your own curtains?

I'd love to hear about it, maybe with a picture if you have one.  You can link up below and your thumbnail will be displayed with a link back to your post.  I'm leaving the link open till Friday 7th, so you have time to hunt that photo out.

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