Sunday, May 9, 2010

happy sunday

Ten reasons to be happy today,

1.  the day our village holds it's annual foire a tout, yard sale, tag sale, boot sale, whatever you want to call it.
2.  the day I cycled everywhere
3.  the day everyone I bumped into, or met for the first time seemed curiously happy to see me
4.  the day my sale stand was placed underneath a beautiful big cherry tree

5.  the day  that by taking part in the foire a tout we helped raise money for the village school and we were eco-friendly
6.  the day I was rewarded for ferreting through a very untidy stand  - by finding an amazing pair of antique pillow cases, hand-sewn for a young girl's trousseau a hundred years ago and never used (more on this tomorrow)
7.   the day my children had as much fun as I did at the same event as I was at
8.   the day my favourite local ice-cream maker - glacier - turned up at the sale YUM!

9.   the day my very special husband cooked a lovely supper for us because he knew I had had a long day
10.  and MOST OF ALL the day I discovered, when I got home and checked my blog (obviously) that I had this wonderful surprise waiting for me.

Many thanks to the lovely Moerks family who are soon to whisk us away on a whirlwind adventure tour of Australia that I for one will be following here.  Before they head off, be sure to visit their blog for amusing tales of everyday Moerk life as they restore their family home and have other fun.

It's really very kind of them to choose me for this award, which carried with it the obligation to divulge ten things that make me happy - but hey, I think that's what I just did.  So now I simply have to pass this happy award onto five friends who keep me smiling.  Here we go:

Coty at styling by coty farquar - whose gardens make me dream, whose job I'd love to have!
Anne-Marie at Na-Da Farm - whose generosity shines through her blog
Melissa at miss sew & sew  -   who feels so much like myself 10 years ago
Jeanne at collage of life  -  who amazes me with her broad culture and impeccable taste
Ange at signed by ange  - whose art I admire and who makes me laugh out loud

Bonne nuit mes amies!
Faites de beaux rêves, et à demain.

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