Thursday, July 29, 2010

summer time and easy living part II

In yesterday's post I promised you a peek inside our friend J's house.  Chose promise, chose due!

Chez J there reigns an air of good sense, order, generosity and elegant living.  He loves to pay attention to all the little details which, when put together, create a totally wonderful overall effect.

This attention to detail is one of the reasons he has created two dining areas outside.  Not only because it's fun to change but also because if the wind is blowing on one side of the house then the table will be sheltered on the other.  I told you - attention to detail.

The gardens are of course stunning,  manicured almost.   There is a cutting garden which provides fresh bouquets for tables and - to my great joy - for bedside tables.  

Here is also a special place for cut flowers, a floating bowl - I love it.

I forgot to introduce you to the star member of the family.  Dear Sammy, as patient and generous as his master.

A favourite part of the house for Sammy is this beautiful stairway leading in from the lower garden.

Back in the house J loves to display favourite objects in small and delicious vignettes.

The guest rooms are peaceful and welcoming.

But should a guest need more rest during the day, there is a hammock strung up in the shade between two tall cypress trees.

It's hard to find something that hasn't been thought of,  right down to the limpid sky as the sun rises over the terrace promising another delicious day.

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