Saturday, July 10, 2010

girls and horses

What is it about horses that so attracts girls, both young and old.? You're sure to find plenty of men in big competitions, but the ones who spend hours, years even of their lives , brushing and stroking and riding and having fun with ponies are girls.

This house is no exception to that rule.  While any of the three men here can ride if required, none of them are particularly interested.  For my girls and myself it's a different story.  Since they were very small my daughters have ridden, first in clubs and then our own ponies and horses.  Now that  they are confident,  they are allowed to hack out alone or with friends.

Summer time brings its own special pleasures on horseback.  I watch my girls pack a picnic supper and set off on horseback together and with other friends.  They dine somewhere in the forest, their horses grazing nearby.  Returning with the fall of darkness, their path studded with the gentle light of glow worms. Happy times.

Competition brings other pleasures, and teaches important lessons that cannot be learnt at school.  Managing your disappointment when you lose, and your joy when you win.  Understanding that progress is only made through continual effort, not blaming your horse but seeking to understand how you could have achieved a better result.

A horse will listen to your secrets and share your emotions.  They say you can't lie on horseback.  Whatever you are feeling your horse will tap into and translate.  You are nervous, he'll begin to think that there's something to be worried about.  You stay relaxed, he'll know that all is well and advance confidently.

I ride less well than the girls, I never had the teaching they received and I am simply not as talented as them.  I started riding again  to have a leisure we could enjoy together. 

The girls are becoming a bit speedy for me but if you come this way while they're at school, you're quite likely to find me out at a more civilised pace with girlfriends.  Stop by and I'll take you out!  I'm sure you'll love it!

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