Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Un salon contemporain

Here's another French salon for you to ponder.  How do you like this one?  It's definitely more 'designed' than the last I shared with you, I like the proportions.    It's funny actually, because it ticks all the fashionable interior design boxes; right colours, good looking chairs and sofas; neat and tidy, but I don't feel it's a walk-right-in-and-settle-on-down sort of room.

There is a fireplace but I'm having trouble imagining it lit..  There are no curtains to the window, but then, that is a tricky shape to dress.  

I know I've said it before but I think that a 'lived in' look is what does it for me these days, and you can't say that this room looks lived in, there are no dog's toys sticking out from behind the sofa, or a pair of slippers thrown into a corner.........  Am I just getting too picky?

Here's a question for you, give me two elements from this room you'd happily take home with you and two things you're really not comfortable with.  Look forward to hearing your  ideas.

Thank you to Mires Images for the use of these photos.

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